YFPI Fellows Program

In the inaugural YFPI Fellows Program, we received over 50 applications from exceptional college and high school students. In our inaugural cohort, accepted applicants created informative infographics to help wider audiences understand some of the most critical international relations topics of the day.

As a YFPI Fellow, you will work with students around the world to create infographics that explain some of the most critical topics in international relations. For example, a team of Fellows might collaborate on an infographic explaining the global semiconductor supply chain, creating images and crafting paragraphs to portray an incredibly intricate ecosystem in a way that anyone–even a five-year-old–could understand.

YFPI’s foundational mission is to expand access to international relations studies to individuals, especially youth, worldwide. We believe a key way to do that is to create stunning and informative infographics that would help anyone understand a significant international relations topic that people might not have time to research in-depth.

The infographics will be distributed to YFPI’s Contact Network, including 1,000+ Yale undergraduate and graduate Students (Jackson School of Global Affairs, Yale Law School, Yale School of Management); professors at Yale and other prestigious universities, including Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, and more; and hundreds of prominent foreign policy leaders.

What is the YFPI Fellows Program?
  • Fellowship: Interacting with fellow students interested in international relations worldwide will grant you more perspectives on globally pertinent issues and exponentially increase your appreciation for the topic you are researching.

  • Connection: Accessing YFPI’s Contact Network enables you and significant foreign policy leaders to be on a first-name basis. Excellence in research is important, but good mentorship is just as essential.

  • Experience: As a YFPI Fellow, you will rely on YFPI’s expertise in creating diverse, efficient, and productive research teams. Each team of Fellows will be personally guided by an experienced mentor and kept accountable for their progress. Moreover, working with YFPI mentors will be helpful for not only your international relations literacy but also your skills as a team member and communicator.

What's in it for You?